an "a to z" of thoughts, conversations, remarks, observations,musings about

Thursday, March 02, 2006

all said and done

all said and done...the life that i want is ... a hut by the sea...sand under my toes...a laptop on which i write ..and maybe a car or bike or jeep to take me to town

i can live happily like that for years ..i know that

would write stuff...make stuff...paint tshirts.. and sell them in a small shed by my house

have a few small projects going on... the guitar..swim lots.....

sleep under the stars when i can...

harvest coconuts.... :)

ah my dream

when will u come true.


Anonymous said...

They say energy flow from the mind to the mouth or to the finger is all you need to stay happy.


Anonymous said...

You said it my friend, i wish the same. may you get what you wish.

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